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Benefits of Decluttering Your workspace | How organizing your Work Space (or Personal Space) could Literally Change your Life

Benefits of decluttering your workspace
by Eddie

We’ve all experienced those moments in life when everything seems to be in disarray, both externally and internally. The clutter on our desks mirrors the chaos in our minds, making it impossible to concentrate on tasks and leaving us feeling overwhelmed. However, the path to transformation and regaining control over our lives often begins with the simplest of actions: decluttering our physical space. Inspired by the wisdom of Jordan Peterson, I embarked on a journey to declutter and reorganize my workspace, and the results were truly transformative. There are truly many benefits of decluttering your workspace.

The State of Disarray

Before embracing the power of decluttering, my life felt like a never-ending storm. My desk was a chaotic battleground of books, papers, pens, and assorted items. It was a constant struggle to locate anything I needed, and my productivity was suffering. Half-finished projects littered my surroundings, and I was drowning in a sea of distractions. It was a vicious cycle of feeling overwhelmed and unable to focus.

benefits of decluttering your workspace

The Jordan Peterson Revelation

I stumbled upon the idea of decluttering as a catalyst for change through the teachings of Jordan Peterson. He emphasized that one of the most immediate and controllable aspects of our lives that can make a significant impact is improving our physical space that we inhabit. This idea resonated with me and was simple enough so I decided to give it a try – this is known as organizing your workspace for mental health.

Taking Action: Organizing the Chaos

I began my journey to regain control by focusing on my computer table, the epicentre of my work and creativity. Here’s how I transformed it into a clean, minimalistic oasis of productivity:

1. Removing the Excess: The first step was to eliminate all unnecessary items cluttering my workspace. I removed extra books, pieces of paper, pens, and pencils, keeping only the essentials. This instantly reduced visual noise and created a sense of order.

Personalizing workspace for motivation

2. Embracing Minimalism: Inspired by the minimalist philosophy, I decided to keep only what truly mattered. This meant having just a notepad, a sharp pencil and my MacBook on my desk. The simplicity of this setup created a serene environment that allowed me to focus my attention solely on the task at hand.

3. Managing Cables: I tackled the tangled mess of wires and cables next. Using cable management systems and simple tricks like bundling cables together, I neatly arranged them, making them almost invisible. This not only eliminated visual distractions but also reduced the frustration of dealing with a jumbled mess.

The Transformative Results

The benefits of decluttering your workspace (or my workspace in this case) was immediate and profound:

  • Heightened Productivity: With a clean and organized workspace, I found it much easier to concentrate on my work. The absence of clutter allowed me to think clearly and complete tasks efficiently – in a way I was personalizing my workspace for motivation – to feel more motivated and clear about my work ahead.
  • Sense of Clarity: The minimalist approach brought clarity to my life. It was as if a fog had lifted, and I could see my goals and priorities more clearly.
  • Peace of Mind: A clutter-free workspace translated to a clutter-free mind. I experienced a newfound sense of peace and tranquility while working.
  • Increased Focus: With fewer distractions, my ability to focus improved significantly. I could delve deep into my projects without constantly being pulled in different directions.

The simple act of decluttering my physical space had a profound impact on my life. Inspired by Jordan Peterson’s wisdom, I realized that taking control of my environment could lead to positive changes in my productivity, clarity, and overall well-being. By removing the excess, embracing minimalism, and organizing cables, I transformed my workspace into a sanctuary of focus and creativity. The lesson I learned is clear: there are many benefits of decluttering your workspace, and a clean and clutter-free environment can pave the way for a more organized and successful life.

For great Ideas on how to declutter and organize your life, check out my Life Changing Templates.


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